
5 Unique Things To Do in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Embossed within the eastern, fruitful side of Africa and one of the UNESCO World Heritage that exudes intact townscapes and urban fabric, the Stone Town in Zanzibar promises a perfect adventure in Tanzania. The breathtakingly beautiful buildings reflect the vast cultural heritage which time built together among African, Indian, Arab, and European influences. Every step calls for exploration and discoveries like no other places in the world. Here are the five unique things you can do in the Stone Town.

Peek Through the Dark Past of Former Slave Market

Acting as the main port of slavery in the East Africa, all of the slaves are transported here, whipped, and sold to the Middle East and North America. This adventure welcomes you to a more in-depth understanding of the last open slave market that existed during the dark chapters. The slave trade started during the Omani sultanate and resolved during the time of Scottish explorer, David Livingstone. On this site now stands a picturesque Anglican Cathedral that portrays the glorious triumph against cruelty.

Witness the Mystery of the Old Fort

This beautiful gem exudes incredible built with the unique history and mesmerising artistry. The efforts of the Omani Arabs plant defence against the Portuguese invaders by strategically building it on the waterfront port. Later on, this building took care of the prisoners as an arsenal for those lined for execution. As civilisation moves forward, the fort set refuge for numerous shops, incredible cultural centres, and an open –air theatre as well as a site for the Zanzibar International Film Festival.

Get to Know the Royal Palace Museum

Another Omani Arab style inspired attraction to visit is the huge white palace erected in 1883. This trip will allow you to see the extravagant and domestic lifestyle of the sultanates in Zanzibar. The most intriguing part of the castle is the dedicated room for Princess Salme who fled with a German merchant she fell in love with.

Immerse into Sunset Dhow Cruise

The traditional wooden sailing vessels used by the Arab traders while travelling across the Indian Ocean to the mesmerising coast of East Africa goes by the name Dhows. This adventure will provide a unique getaway and another trip to the past with a usually small, one-man fishing boats with makeshift sails. They can be larger to accommodate tourists and provide the most authentic Zanzibar getaway. The attraction that it offers melt the heart, not only of romantics but all visitors. The visitors who want to experience a life changing moment while watching the sunset in this ancient yet innovative boat. These timeless boats take you not only to the magnificent sunset but also provide you with the great feeling the ancestors had in the past while on this sailing vessel.

Enjoy the Snorkel Adventure in Chumbe Island

Zanzibar boasts not only historical treasures but also natural riches. The Chumbe Island reef sanctuary proves different from all the other snorkelling sites you have ever heard. This natural reserve park gives home to  over 200 species of corals and fish. All of which resides in a giant and pristine underwater garden. Through its mesmerising beauty yet delicate ecosystem, a permit is necessary to access this treasured area. Researchers from all over the world travel thousands of miles just to create studies of this beautiful sanctuary. Indeed, it is a privilege to see the diversity of tropical fishes and corals of the Chumbe Island.

The adventures in the fantastic Stone Town of Zanzibar are unlimited for the explorers within all of us. These five individual activities will introduce you to one of the best places you can visit. Welcome the adventure of a lifetime in the magical coasts of East Africa.

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